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      歡迎來到新航道官網(wǎng)!Welcome to New Channel School!



      來源:新航道 原創(chuàng)作者:sjzxhd 瀏覽:0 發(fā)布日期:2018-05-25 15:57


        SAT 閱讀考試部分五篇文章中會考查兩篇科學(xué)類的文章,有時候會出現(xiàn)一個科學(xué)類的雙篇(如2016 年11 月亞太卷關(guān)于摩擦力的雙篇難哭一眾考生)。大家會普遍覺得科學(xué)類是一個比較容易的類別,備考過程中,很多同學(xué)會把重點放在歷史類和文學(xué)類的文章上,可是你能做到科學(xué)類文章達到百分之九十以上的正確率嗎?你能做到快速有效讀完文章,保證充足的做題時間嗎?


        做到以下幾點,4 到5 分鐘讀懂科學(xué)類文章,從容完成題目不是夢!





        考試中遇到自己熟悉的話題,我們都會頓時覺得信心大增,元氣滿滿,那么去哪里積累這些背景知識呢?托福TPO中的閱讀和聽力部分的文本給我們提供了大量的素材。同學(xué)們在刷TPO 的時候往往只關(guān)注了題目是否做的正確,筆記是否記到了重點,其實只要稍微多花一點點時間,就可以獲取大量的背景知識信息。2016 年10 月亞太卷中關(guān)于Cambrian explosion 的文章與TPO 5 The Cambrian Explosion 簡直如出一轍,因此請一定利用好TPO這一助攻神器。





        SAT 考試中選取的文章多為科普性質(zhì),或者講述一個科學(xué)事實,或者陳述一個科學(xué)研究或者實驗,作者的意圖在于為我們提供信息,因此大部分文章的的語氣是informative 而非argumentative,而這類文章通常也不會是科學(xué)家自己寫的學(xué)術(shù)論文(我只是一個高中生,考科學(xué)家寫的論文出題人是想難死我們??。皇菍υ擃I(lǐng)域相對熟悉的作者以客觀的角度為我們陳述事實或呈現(xiàn)研究過程。


        2016 年5 月亞太卷第43 題:

        The passage is written from the point of view of a

        A) consumer evaluating a variety of options.

        B) scientist comparing competing research methods.

        C) journalist enumerating changes in a field.

        D) hobbyist explaining the capabilities of new technology.

        可以很輕易判斷出這是一位了解過該領(lǐng)域的journalist 對于solar panel 的發(fā)展過程的描述,而不是業(yè)余愛好者和科學(xué)家自己的角度。





        科學(xué)研究類的文章一般有兩種常見的開篇模式,一種是告知讀者研究的目的,一種是陳述某個新的study 的結(jié)論。


        OG Practice Test 3 第三篇文章的首段:

        At field sites around the world, Ken Dial saw a pattern in how young pheasants, quail, tinamous, and other ground birds ran along behind their parents. "They jumped up like popcorn," he said, describing how they would flap their half-formed wings and take short hops into the air. So when a group of graduate students challenged him to come up with new data on the age-old ground-up-tree-down debate, he designed a project to see what clues might lie in how baby game birds learned to fly.


        作者在首段末句陳述了Ken Dial 設(shè)計這個研究的目的在于觀察小鳥如何學(xué)習(xí)飛行以更好的了解鳥類的祖先是如何獲取飛行能力的,直接點明了Dial 所做研究的目的。



        2017 年1 月北美卷第三篇首段:

        Inflexible old salt becomes a softy in the nanoworld, stretching like taffy to more than twice its length,researchers report. The findings may lead to new approaches for making nanowiresthat could end up in solar cells or electronic circuits. The work also suggests that these ultra-tiny salt wires may already exist in sea spray and large underground salt deposits.











        Khan Science Level 2:

        Para.1: Nothing is more Australian than kangaroos. But these marsupials—along with a variety of others including the Tasmanian devil—have ancient roots in South America, a new study suggests.


        Para.2: Exactly how these various marsupials, both living and extinct, are related has been murky.


        Para.3: Some older studies suggested that marsupials first arose in Australia and that some marsupial lineages might have been split in two when these landmasses separated 80 million years ago.


        Para.4: Maria Nilsson, Jürgen Schmitz, and colleagues present the first study to use the sequences of retroposed elements — a kind of "jumping gene" — to reconstruct marsupials' family tree.


        Para.5: Retroposons use their own enzymatic machinery, or that of other retroposons, to copy their own RNA and create DNA copies of themselves.



        Para.6: Also, the way they spread through the genome means they can occur in idiosyncratic patterns. So if different species share a few of the same nested retroposed elements, chances are overwhelming that they all got them from a longlost ancestor.


        Para.7: In two marsupial genomes that were recently sequenced, Nilsson, Schmitz, and colleaguesidentified thousands of these nested retroposed elements...


        Para.8: It hadn’t been clear which lineage of marsupials split off first, but the new study found this first branch gave rise to the Didelphimorphia lineage, which includes several species of opossums of South America. Further branches gave rise to other South American marsupials. All of today’s Australian marsupials appear to have branched off later, ...


        Para.9: It’s still a bit of a mystery, Nilsson, Schmitz, and colleagues say, why the marsupial family tree sorted out so cleanly.



        以上為可汗閱讀科學(xué)類文章中一篇的摘錄,根據(jù)每個段落的關(guān)鍵信號詞我們可以很清楚的把握整個文章的思路。文章靠前段作者首先給出了最近的一個研究的結(jié)論—有袋目動物的祖先出現(xiàn)在南美;第二三段闡述了令人困惑的問題并回顧了過去的研究;第四段第六段描述了新研究的目的,即利用基因?qū)W的證據(jù)來研究有袋目動物的family tree,和研究手段(retroposed elements) 以及其獨特性,這一獨特性對研究構(gòu)成了有力的支撐;第七段陳述了研究的過程;第八段為結(jié)論;結(jié)尾一個段落指出了研究沒能解決的問題。全文脈絡(luò)清晰。








        What does the study of retroposed elements mainly indicate about marsupials in South America and Australia?

        A) They have changed little over time.

        B) They descended from a single species.

        C) They are unrelated to other mammals.

        D) They evolved earlier than believed.





        The author uses the information in the paragraph 5 (lines 28-38) mainly to

        A) stress the complexity of the marsupial genetic code.

        B) point out inconsistencies in previous research.

        C) explain the biological basis of the study.

        D) suggest possible complications to the study.


        該題考查第五段的作用,分析文章思路后發(fā)現(xiàn)第五段為retroposed elements 的特征,是整個研究的理論依據(jù),直接選擇C 選項。




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