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      歡迎來到新航道官網(wǎng)!Welcome to New Channel School!



      來源:新航道 原創(chuàng)作者:sjzxhd 瀏覽:0 發(fā)布日期:2018-04-14 17:04




        Metonymy 轉(zhuǎn)喻

        定義:Metonymy is a figure in which the triter or speaker changes on word for another to which it is in some way related.

        例句:Scepter and Crown (Kings and Emperors) must tumble down.

        Synecdoche 提喻

        定義:This figure, akin to Metonymy gives to an object a name expressing something more or less than we intended, as when the name of part is applied to the whole or that of the whole to a part.

        例句:He manages to earn his bread (the necessaries of life).

        Transferred Epithet 移位修辭

        定義:In this figure an epithet is transformed from a word to which it properly belongs to some other word closely connected with it.

        例句:He tosses from side to side on his sleepless bed.

        Oxymoron 矛盾

        定義:An Oxymoron is the association of two words or phrases having conflicting meanings, as in ‘starve with feeding’, a splendid and ghastly triumph of ostentatious simplicity’ of the cruel mercy of the murderers’

        例句:He is a busy idler.

        Antithesis 對照

        定義:Antithesis is the figure in which one word or idea is set against another with the object of heightening the effect of what is said. ‘A dark night makes a flash of lightning more vivid’. This explains the power of verbal antithesis.

        例句:Man propose, God disposes.

        Epigram 警句/諷刺短詩

        定義:An epigram is a brief saying in prose or verse, remarkable for brevity and point; it may involve a contradiction between the literal meaning of the words and the meaning intended. The Epigram is an apparent contradiction in language, which, by causing a temporary shock, meaning underneath.

        例句:Every man wishes to live long, but one wishes to be old.

        Pun 雙關(guān)語

        定義:A Pun is a play upon words. It means the use of a word in such a way that it is capable of bearing two or more different meanings, the object being to create humor, admiration or surprise.

        例句:Life is like peeing into the snow in a dark winter night. You probably made a difference, but it's really hard to tell.

        Climax 層進(jìn)

        定義:A Climax is figure in which the sense rises by successive steps to what is more and more important.

        例句:I came, I saw, I conquered.

        Anti-climax 突降

        定義:This is the converse of climax, for it means falling from a higher to a lower level of excitement.

        The fall is usually abrupt and the effect often either intentionally or unintentionally humorous.

        例句:I die, I faint, I fail.

        Paradox 悖論

        定義:A paradox is a statement which appears to contradict itself. Though seemingly absurd and contrary to received opinion, it is perhaps really well-founded.

        例句:There is no one so poor as a wealthy miser.

        Innuendo 暗諷

        定義:In this figure the author’s meaning is not plainly stated. It is merely suggested or implied or hinted at, the intention usually being depreciatory.

        例句:This author’s books will live at least a year.

        Sarcasm 諷刺

        定義:In this figure the attack is not veiled (hidden, concealed) in words as in Irony. The author says what he means, but in such a way as to imply ridicule, censure, disapproval or contempt.

        例句:God made him and therefore let him pass for a man.

        Euphemism 委婉語

        定義:Euphemism is a figure in which we speak of harsh and unpleasant things in a mild and pleasant manner.

        例句:He was gathered to his fathers. (He died)

        Interrogation 疑問

        定義:Interrogation is the figure of affirming or denying the opposite by means of an unanswered question as in ‘Who dares to contradict me?’ Here the presumption is that no one dares to do so.

        例句:If you poison us, shall we not die?

        Exclamation 感嘆

        定義:This is common and very forcible figure of speech. It arrests attention at once. ‘It’s raining hard’ is a prosaic, literal statement: ‘How it rains!’ expresses the same thought, with an addition of startled surprise.

        Tautology 贅述

        定義:This figure consists in saying a thing over again in other words without adding clearness or force; useless repetition.

        例句:The modern college students of today. “Mother I am very well, i was never better.”

        Personification 擬人

        定義:Personification is a figure by which we attribute life and mind to inanimate things.

        例句:Death lays his icy hands on kings.

        Apostrophe 呼語

        定義:Apostrophe is a figure by which the poet addresses a person or a personified idea

        例句:O Liberty! What crimes have been wrought in thy name? Milton! Thou shouldst be living at this hour.


        Hyperbole 夸張

        Simile 明喻

        Metaphor 暗喻

        Parable 寓言

        Alliteration 頭韻(開頭押韻,常見例子是英文繞口令。)

        Play upon Words 文字游戲


        rhetorical repetition 修辭重復(fù)

        antithesis 對照

        zeugma 軛式修辭/一語雙敘

        例句:He lost his computer and his temper.

        flashback 倒敘

        analogy 類比


        understatement 低調(diào)陳述

        exaggeration 夸張

        anecdote 軼事

        citation 引用(標(biāo)志是引號,所以在上下文很容易識別)

        apply to emotion 抒情

        foreshadowing 伏筆

        figurative language 象征性語言

        comparison & contrast

        irony 諷刺


        parody 滑稽體裁/滑稽的模仿(床前明月光,吃飯多喝湯!)

        digression 離題/岔開

        hypothetical scenario 假想

        broad generalization 廣泛的概論

        historical facts 歷史事實

        personal anecdotes 個人軼事

        scholarly analysis 學(xué)術(shù)分析

        defence 辯解

        concession 讓步

        exception 例外

        allusion 暗示

        political allusion 政治暗示

        direct quotation 直接引用

        rhetorical questioning 設(shè)問,反問

        extended metaphor 擴(kuò)展隱喻

        scientific data 科學(xué)數(shù)據(jù)

        literary allusion 文學(xué)暗示

        historical research 歷史研究

        personal voice

        direct citation 直接引用

        paraphrase 釋義

        paralel structure 平行結(jié)構(gòu)/排比


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